AmigaActive (620/2143)

From:Nick Lamburn
Date:7 May 2000 at 19:29:56
Subject:Context Switching


With all the furore over Context Switching; I was wondering if the following
idea of mine was 'right'. Suppose I programmed a program using in PPC
assembler (I'm only just getting the hang of 68K asm btw, so it's a long way
to go yet!!! :), if I was to say write a PC emulator (and double the size of
my brain at the same time ;)) allocate a bitmap in fast ram, obviously for
Gfx. cards only; and after that use custom drawing routines done by the PPC
- the code would run at full speed with *no* context switches. In theory
you would use the PPC equivilent of MOVE.b (for a 8bit screen) to plot a

I got a SNES emulator the other day (SNES 9x or summink :), and i believe
this is the way that works.

Is this hypothesis of mine correct?

All the best,


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